Search Results: "nijel"

20 January 2017

Michal Čihař: Weblate 2.10.1

This is first security bugfix release for Weblate. This has to come at some point, fortunately the issue is not really severe. But Weblate got it's first CVE ID today, so it's time to address it in a bugfix release. Full list of changes: If you are upgrading from older version, please follow our upgrading instructions. You can find more information about Weblate on, the code is hosted on Github. If you are curious how it looks, you can try it out on demo server. You can login there with demo account using demo password or register your own user. Weblate is also being used on as official translating service for phpMyAdmin, OsmAnd, Aptoide, FreedomBox, Weblate itself and many other projects. Should you be looking for hosting of translations for your project, I'm happy to host them for you or help with setting it up on your infrastructure. Further development of Weblate would not be possible without people providing donations, thanks to everybody who have helped so far!

Filed under: Debian English SUSE Weblate 0 comments

5 January 2017

Michal Čihař: Gammu 1.38.1

Today Gammu 1.38.1 has been released. This is bugfix release fixing several minor bugs which were discovered in 1.38.0. The Windows binaries will be available shortly. These are built using AppVeyor and will help bring Windows users back to latest versions. Full list of changes and new features can be found on Gammu 1.38.1 release page. Would you like to see more features in Gammu? You an support further Gammu development at Bountysource salt or by direct donation.

Filed under: Debian English Gammu 0 comments

4 January 2017

Michal Čihař: Seven tools that help us develop Weblate

Weblate probably would not exist (or at least would be much harder to manage) without several services that help us to develop, improve and fix bugs in our code base. Over the time the development world has become very relying on cloud services. As every change this has both sides - you don't have to run the service, but you also don't have control on the service. Personally I'd prefer to use more free software services, on the other side I really love this comfort and I'm lazy to setup things which I can get for free. The list was written down mostly for showing up how we work and the services are not listed in any particular order. All of the services provide free offerings for free software projects or for limited usage. GitHub I guess there is not much to say here, it has become standard place to develop software - it has Git repositories, issue tracker, pull requests and several other features. Travis CI Running tests on every commit is something what will make you feel confident that you didn't break anything. Of course you still need to write the tests, but having them run automatically is really great help. Especially great for automatically checking pull requests. AppVeyor Continuous integration on Windows - it's still widely used platform with it's quirks, so it's really good idea to test there as well. With AppVeyor you can do that and it works pretty nicely. Codecov When running tests it's good to know how much of your code is covered by them. Codecov is one of the best interfaces I've seen for this. They are also able to merge coverage reports from multiple builds and platforms (for example for wlc we have combined coverage for Linux, OSX and Windows coming from Travis CI and AppVeyor builds). SauceLabs Unit testing is good, but the frontend testing in browser is also important. We run Selenium tests in several browsers in SauceLabs to verify that we haven't screwed up something from the user interface. Read the Docs Documentation is necessary for every project and having it built automatically is nice bonus. Landscape Doing code analysis is a way to avoid some problems which are not spot during testing. These can be code paths not covered by test or simply coding style issues. There are several such services, but Landscape is my favorite one right now.

Filed under: Debian English phpMyAdmin SUSE Weblate 0 comments

16 December 2016

Michal Čihař: wlc 0.7

wlc 0.7, a command line utility for Weblate, has been just released. There are several new commands like translation file download or statistics fetching. Full list of changes: wlc is built on API introduced in Weblate 2.6 and still being in development, you need Weblate 2.10 for some feature (already available on our hosting offering). You can find usage examples in the wlc documentation.

Filed under: Debian English phpMyAdmin SUSE Weblate 2 comments

15 December 2016

Michal Čihař: Weblate 2.10

Quite on the schedule, Weblate 2.10 is out today. This release brings Git exporter module, improves support for machine translation services and adds various CSV exports and API interfaces. Full list of changes: If you are upgrading from older version, please follow our upgrading instructions. You can find more information about Weblate on, the code is hosted on Github. If you are curious how it looks, you can try it out on demo server. You can login there with demo account using demo password or register your own user. Weblate is also being used on as official translating service for phpMyAdmin, OsmAnd, Aptoide, FreedomBox, Weblate itself and many other projects. Should you be looking for hosting of translations for your project, I'm happy to host them for you or help with setting it up on your infrastructure. Further development of Weblate would not be possible without people providing donations, thanks to everybody who have helped so far! The roadmap for next release is just being prepared, you can influence this by expressing support for individual issues either by comments or by providing bounty for them.

Filed under: Debian English phpMyAdmin SUSE Weblate 0 comments

12 December 2016

Michal Čihař: Gammu 1.38.0

Today Gammu 1.38.0 has been released. Changes in last two testing releases have been stabilized and this is the outcome. You can expect changes in API or SMSD tables as well as some additional features. Also this is first stable release after several years which comes with Windows binaries. These are built using AppVeyor and will help bring Windows users back to latest versions. Full list of changes and new features can be found on Gammu 1.38.0 release page. Would you like to see more features in Gammu? You an support further Gammu development at Bountysource salt or by direct donation.

Filed under: Debian English Gammu 0 comments

Michal Čihař: New location for Weblate

Today, Weblate got new home. The difference is not that big - it has been moved from my personal GitHub account to WeblateOrg organization. The main motivation is to have all Weblate related repositories in one location (all others including wlc, Docker or website are already there). The move will also allow to better manage the project in future as having it in separate repositories provides less management options on GitHub than using organization. In case you have cloned the git repository, please update
git remote set-url origin
Of course all issue tracker locations have changed as well (I believe the redirect on GitHub will stay as long as I won't fork the repository, so expect it to work at least month). See GitHub documentation on repository moving. I'm sorry for all the troubles, but I think this is really necessary move.

Filed under: Debian English SUSE Weblate 0 comments

28 November 2016

Michal Čihař: phpMyAdmin security issues

You might wonder why there is so high number of phpMyAdmin security announcements this year. This situations has two main reasons and I will comment a bit on those. First of all we've got quite a lot of attention of people doing security reviews this year. It has all started with Mozilla SOS Fund funded audit. It has discovered few minor issues which were fixed in the 4.6.2 release. However this was really just the beginning of the story and the announcement has attracted quite some attention to us. In upcoming weeks the mailbox was full of reports and we really struggled to handle such amount. Handling that amount actually lead to creating more formalized approach to handling them as we clearly were no longer able to deal with them based on email only. Anyway most work here was done by Emanuel Bronshtein, who is really looking at every piece of our code and giving useful tips to harden our code base and infrastructure. Second thing which got changed is that we release security announcements for security hardening even when there might not be any practical attack possible. Typical example here might be PMASA-2016-61, where using hash_equals is definitely safer, but even if the timing attack would be doable here, the practical result of figuring out admin configured allow/deny rules is usually not critical. Many of the issues also cover quite rare setups (or server misconfigurations, which we've silently fixed in past) like PMASA-2016-54 being possibly caused by server executing shell scripts shipped together with phpMyAdmin. Overall phpMyAdmin indeed got safer this year. I don't think that there was any bug that would be really critical, on the other side we've made quite a lot of hardenings and we use current best practices when dealing with sensitive data. On the other side, I'm pretty sure our code was not in worse shape than any similarly sized projects with 18 years of history, we just become more visible thanks to security audit and people looked deeper into our code base. Besides security announcements this all lead to generic hardening of our code and infrastructure, what might be not that visible, but are important as well:

Filed under: Debian English phpMyAdmin SUSE 0 comments

4 November 2016

Michal Čihař: Weblate 2.9

Slightly behind schedule (it should have been released in October), Weblate 2.9 is out today. This release brings Subversion support or improved zen mode. Full list of changes: If you are upgrading from older version, please follow our upgrading instructions. You can find more information about Weblate on, the code is hosted on Github. If you are curious how it looks, you can try it out on demo server. You can login there with demo account using demo password or register your own user. Weblate is also being used on as official translating service for phpMyAdmin, OsmAnd, Aptoide, FreedomBox, Weblate itself and many other projects. Should you be looking for hosting of translations for your project, I'm happy to host them for you or help with setting it up on your infrastructure. Further development of Weblate would not be possible without people providing donations, thanks to everybody who have helped so far! The roadmap for next release is just being prepared, you can influence this by expressing support for individual issues either by comments or by providing bounty for them.

Filed under: Debian English phpMyAdmin SUSE Weblate 4 comments

25 October 2016

Michal Čihař: New features on Hosted Weblate

Today, new version has been deployed on Hosted Weblate. It brings many long requested features and enhancements. Adding project to watched got way simpler, you can now do it on the project page using watch button: Watch project Another feature which will be liked by project admins is that they can now change project metadata without contacting me. This works for both project and component level: Project settings And adding some fancy things, there is new badge showing status of translations into all languages. This is how it looks for Weblate itself: Translation status As you can see it can get pretty big for projects with many translations, but you get complete picture of the translation status in it. You can find all these features in upcoming Weblate 2.9 which should be released next week. Complete list of changes in Weblate 2.9 is described in our documentation.

Filed under: Debian English phpMyAdmin SUSE Weblate 0 comments

19 October 2016

Michal Čihař: Gammu 1.37.90

Yesterday Gammu 1.37.90 has been released. This release brings quite a lot of changes and it's for testing purposes. Hopefully stable 1.38.0 will follow soon as soon as I won't get negative feedback on the changes. Besides code changes, there is one news for Windows users - there is Windows binary coming with the release. This was possible to automate thanks to AppVeyor, who does provide CI service where you can download built artifacts. Without this, I'd not be able to do make this as I don't have single Windows computer :-). Full list of changes: Would you like to see more features in Gammu? You an support further Gammu development at Bountysource salt or by direct donation.

Filed under: Debian English Gammu 0 comments

14 October 2016

Michal Čihař: New free software projects on Hosted Weblate

Hosted Weblate provides also free hosting for free software projects. I'm quite slow in processing the hosting requests, but when I do that, I process them in a batch and add several projects at once. This time, the newly hosted projects include:

Filed under: Debian English SUSE Weblate 0 comments

Michal Čihař: New free software projects on Hosted Weblate

Hosted Weblate provides also free hosting for free software projects. I'm quite slow in processing the hosting requests, but when I do that, I process them in a batch and add several projects at once. This time, the newly hosted projects include:

Filed under: Debian English SUSE Weblate 0 comments

Michal Čihař: motranslator 2.0

Yesterday, the motranslator 2.0 has been released. As the version change suggests there are some important changes under the hood. Full list of changes: As you can see, yesterday announced SimpleMath is not used in the end and I've moved to use existing library. Somehow I misunderstood library description and I thought that it works as PHP, what would be problem for us (or would bring need to add parenthesis around ternary operator as we did with eval()). But this is not the case and ternary operator behaves sane in ExpressionLanguage, so we're good too use it. Anyway if you were using MoTranslator, it might be good idea to upgrade and check if API changes affect you.

Filed under: Debian English phpMyAdmin 0 comments

Michal Čihař: motranslator 2.0

Yesterday, the motranslator 2.0 has been released. As the version change suggests there are some important changes under the hood. Full list of changes: As you can see, yesterday announced SimpleMath is not used in the end and I've moved to use existing library. Somehow I misunderstood library description and I thought that it works as PHP, what would be problem for us (or would bring need to add parenthesis around ternary operator as we did with eval()). But this is not the case and ternary operator behaves sane in ExpressionLanguage, so we're good too use it. Anyway if you were using MoTranslator, it might be good idea to upgrade and check if API changes affect you.

Filed under: Debian English phpMyAdmin 0 comments

13 October 2016

Michal Čihař: Announcing SimpleMath

For quite some time we've been relying on using eval() function in phpMyAdmin in two places. One of them is gettext library, where we have to evaluate plural forms and second of them is MySQL configuration advisor, which does it's suggestions based on text file (the original idea was to make this file shared with other tools, but it never really worked out). Using eval() in PHP is something what is better to avoid, but we were using it on data we ship, so it was considered safe. On the other side, there are hostings which deny using eval() altogether (as many of exploits are using this function), so it's better to avoid that. I've been looking for options for replacing eval() in motranslator (library we use for handling Gettext MO files) for quite some time, but never found library which would support all operators needed in Gettext plural formulas. Yesterday I finally came to conclusion that writing own library to do this is best approach. This way it can in future extended to work with Advisor as well. Also we can make it pretty lightweight without additional dependencies (what was problem in some existing libraries I've found). To make the story short, this is how SimpleMath was born. As of now, it has grown to version 0.2 (you can use Packagist to install it). For now it's really simple and it can be probably confused by various strange inputs, but it seems for work pretty well for our case. Currently supported features: Maybe it will be usable for somebody else as well, but even if not, it's the way for us to get rid of using eval() in our codebase. Update It seems that Symfony ExpressionLanguage Component is doing pretty much same, but more flexible and faster, so SimpleMath will be probably dead soon and we will switch to using Symphony component.

Filed under: Debian English phpMyAdmin 4 comments

Michal Čihař: Announcing SimpleMath

For quite some time we've been relying on using eval() function in phpMyAdmin in two places. One of them is gettext library, where we have to evaluate plural forms and second of them is MySQL configuration advisor, which does it's suggestions based on text file (the original idea was to make this file shared with other tools, but it never really worked out). Using eval() in PHP is something what is better to avoid, but we were using it on data we ship, so it was considered safe. On the other side, there are hostings which deny using eval() altogether (as many of exploits are using this function), so it's better to avoid that. I've been looking for options for replacing eval() in motranslator (library we use for handling Gettext MO files) for quite some time, but never found library which would support all operators needed in Gettext plural formulas. Yesterday I finally came to conclusion that writing own library to do this is best approach. This way it can in future extended to work with Advisor as well. Also we can make it pretty lightweight without additional dependencies (what was problem in some existing libraries I've found). To make the story short, this is how SimpleMath was born. As of now, it has grown to version 0.2 (you can use Packagist to install it). For now it's really simple and it can be probably confused by various strange inputs, but it seems for work pretty well for our case. Currently supported features: Maybe it will be usable for somebody else as well, but even if not, it's the way for us to get rid of using eval() in our codebase. Update It seems that Symfony ExpressionLanguage Component is doing pretty much same, but more flexible and faster, so SimpleMath will be probably dead soon and we will switch to using Symphony component.

Filed under: Debian English phpMyAdmin 4 comments

11 October 2016

Michal Čihař: stardicter 0.10

Stardicter 0.10, the set of scripts to convert some freely available dictionaries to StarDict format, has been released today. There are mostly minor changes and it's time to push them out in official release. There is one change worth mentioning though - the original site for English - Czech dictionary ( has stopped to work and has been moved to Hopefully this new location will live at least as long as the original one and will bring back new contributors (honestly the original dictionary gained mostly spam entries in last months). The dictionary data are now hosted in Git repository on GitHub.

Filed under: Debian English StarDict 0 comments

Michal Čihař: stardicter 0.10

Stardicter 0.10, the set of scripts to convert some freely available dictionaries to StarDict format, has been released today. There are mostly minor changes and it's time to push them out in official release. There is one change worth mentioning though - the original site for English - Czech dictionary ( has stopped to work and has been moved to Hopefully this new location will live at least as long as the original one and will bring back new contributors (honestly the original dictionary gained mostly spam entries in last months). The dictionary data are now hosted in Git repository on GitHub.

Filed under: Debian English StarDict 0 comments

20 September 2016

Michal Čihař: wlc 0.6

wlc 0.6, a command line utility for Weblate, has been just released. There have been some minor fixes, but the most important news is that Windows and OS X are now supported platforms as well. Full list of changes: wlc is built on API introduced in Weblate 2.6 and still being in development. Several commands from wlc will not work properly if executed against Weblate 2.6, first fully supported version is 2.7 (it is now running on both demo and hosting servers). You can usage examples in the wlc documentation.

Filed under: Debian English SUSE Weblate 0 comments

